Kayegems's Blog

Work Chic – Different Types of Style to Wear to Work…

Posted in Bags, fashion, jewelry, Maternity Wear, style, Work Chic, Work Clothing by kayemlin on July 15, 2010

I’ve had people send me messages and tweet to me about the outfits that they can wear to work…and I wanted to show that you can wear appropriate clothing to work yet be fashionable and show off your own flair as well. There are so many types of clothing you can wear in the office- that is classy, hip, fashionable and yet appropriate. It doesn’t have to be just the typical blazer or jacket suit ( which I love by the way), you can style it up to your needs.

My 2 coworkers have let me share their style with you. Ma Thetsu is the girl in the black pants, zara vest, shirt and scarf.  She is so fashionable- I love her eclectic style, and she can pull off wearing anything- especially pants. She comes in the office stylish yet comfortable- that’s her motto. You can never miss her because her fashion is always up to date. The Zara vest is one of a kind. It is short in the front- as the buttons are attached to the short vest yet long on the sides. It looks somewhat like she’s wearing a shawl; the vest gives on-lookers a second glance.

I’m wearing a sheer white blouse from XOXO and a jumper black dress. I think white and black colors are such big staples in the closet and can be worn at any time and on any day. The dress was a good investment as I can wear it with any blouse underneath or even without. As long as I mix and match my accessories, it doesn’t look like I’m wearing the same thing twice. 😉

Ma Oo is pregnant, and comfort is a big requirement for her attire. She needs to know that she’ll be feeling good all day. Dresses are part of her staple wear, as they are breezy and easy to put on as well as easy to wear throughout the day. Ma Oo always mixes great accessories to her outfits- from colorful bags to big jewelry. Ma Oo says the best part about maternity clothing is that it doesn’t look like ” maternity clothing”. She can wear the same fashionable peasantry dresses and tops in her closet, and pull it off as if they were maternity wear.